Thirty-first Meeting of the Governing Board of the SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC) held virtually from 22-23 January 2024
The Thirty-first Governing Board Meeting of the SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC) was held from 22-23 January 2024. The Meeting was held in virtual mode and was attended by the Governing Board Members from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country, Nepal, and the SAARC Secretariat.
In his capacity as the Chairperson of the Governing Board, Dr. Rajendra P. Joshi, Deputy Director General (DDG), National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India chaired the Meeting.
The Meeting was apprised by the Director (STAC) on the calendar of activities of the Centre, reports of its audited accounts and annual budget.
The Meeting discussed the programme of activities carried out by the Centre during the last three years and the proposed activities for the calendar year 2024. It also reviewed the Reports of the Centre’s audited accounts, prepared by the Joint Audit Team and proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024. The Governing Board made its recommendations on the calendar of activities and budget of the Centre as well as other matters related to its functioning for consideration of higher SAARC Bodies.
STAC based in Kathmandu, is an important organ of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and is playing a significant role in the fight against the diseases like TB and HIV/AIDS in this region.
SAARC Secretariat
Kathmandu, 23 January 2024