Standing Committee

Standing Committee

The Standing Committee comprises of the Foreign Secretaries of the SAARC Member States. As provided in Article V of the SAARC Charter, they take measures /decisions relating to: overall monitoring and coordination of programme of cooepration under different areas; approval of projects and programmes, including modalities of their financing; determination of inter-sectoral priorities; mobilisation of regional and external resources; and identification of new areas of cooperation based on appropriate studies.


Standing Committee is mandated to meet as often as necessary. Generally, they have met preceding the sessions of the Council of Ministers i.e. both during the Summit as also as the Council is convened in between two Summits. That way, the Committee would be meeting at its thrity-seventh regular session in Thimphu on 25-26 April 2010 (preceding the Council of Ministers and the Sixteenth Summit). Depending on special requirement, Standing Committee has met at Special Sessions, on stand-alone basis: till date, the Committee had held five such Special Sessions, the last (fifth) being in Dhaka on 12 April 2006.


The Committee reports to the Council of Ministers, on regular matters; and, as needed, asks for specific decision on policy matters from the Council.




Standing Committee







Forty Second Session

16 March 2016

Pokhara, Nepal


Forty First Session

23-24 November 2014

Kathmandu, Nepal


Fortieth Session

19 February 2014

Bandos Island Resort, Maldives


Thirty Ninth Session


7-8 November 2011

Addu City, Maldives

Thirty Eighth Session


6-7 February 2011

Thimphu, Bhutan

Thirty Seventh Session


25-26 April 2010

Thimphu, Bhutan

Thirty Sixth Session


25-26 February 2009

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Thirty Fifth Session


29-30 July 2008

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Thirty Fourth Session


5-6 December 2007

New Delhi, India

Thirty Third Session


31 March-1 April 2007

New Delhi, India

Fifth Special Session


12 April 2006

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Thirty Second Session


31 July-1 August 2006

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Thirty First Session


9-10 November 2005

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Thirtieth Session


18-19 July 2004


Islamabad, Pakistan

Twenty Ninth Session


31 December-1 January 2004


Islamabad, Pakistan

Fourth Special Session


9-10 July 2003

Kathmandu, Nepal

Twenty Eighth Session


19-20 August 2002

Kathmandu, Nepal

Twenty Seventh Session

30 December-1 January 2002


Kathmandu, Nepal

Third Special Session


9-10 August 2001

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Twenty Sixth Session



15-17 March 1999

NuwaraEliya, Sri Lanka

Twenty Fifth Session


25-26 July 1998


Colombo, Sri Lanka

Twenty Fourth Session


27-28 November 1997

Male’, Maldives

Twenty Third Session

8-9 May 1997


Male’, Maldives

Twenty Second Session


16-18 December1996

New Delhi, India


Twenty First Session


15-17 December 1995

New Delhi, India

Second Special Session


25-26 August 1995

New Delhi, India

Twentieth Session


27-29 April 1995

New Delhi, India

Nineteenth Session


27-29 July 1994

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Eighteenth Session


1-3 December 1993

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Seventeenth Session


7-9 December 1992


Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sixteenth Session


5-7 July 1992


Colombo, Sri Lanka

First Special Session


27-29 April 1992

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Fifteenth Session


2-4 November 1991

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Fourteenth Session


1-2July 1991


Male’, Maldives

Thirteenth Session


16-17 November 1990


Male’, Maldives

Twelfth Session


6-7 November 1989


Islamabad, Pakistan

Eleventh Session


26-27 December 1988


Islamabad, Pakistan

Tenth Session


9-10 August1988

Kathmandu, Nepal

Ninth Session


29-30October 1987


Kathmandu, Nepal

Eighth Session


16-17 June 1987

New Delhi, India

Seventh Session


13 November 1986

Banglore, India


Sixth Session


11 August 1986

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Fifth Session


4 December 1985

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Fourth Session


10-11 May 1985

Thimphu, Bhutan

Third Session


5-7 February 1985

Male’, Maldives

Second Session


7-8 July 1984

Male’, Maldives

First Session


27-28 February 1984

New Delhi, India