Press Release

Secretary-General addresses SCCI

H. E. Mr. Ahmed Saleem, Secretary-General of SAARC, addressed the Executive Committee of the SAARC Chambers of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) in Kathmandu on 22 April 2013.

Referring to the Declarations of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth SAARC Summits on the role of the private sector, the Secretary-General said, “It is amply clear that successive SAARC Summits have always recognized the important contribution of the private sector in the regional economic integration, which is one of the primary goals of our Association.” At the end of his Address, he said, "Before I conclude, I would like to emphasize the point that we must vigorously pursue greater economic cooperation because only that will create the necessary climate of mutual trust and confidence that is indispensable to creating an environment of peace and stability in the region."  

As the SAARC Apex Body, SCCI brings together the representatives of the private sector from across the region to promote regional economic integration. SCCI is currently headed by its President Mr. Vikramjit Singh Sahney. Its headquarters is based in Islamabad, Pakistan.


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